Grunt Style Foundation Deployment - Ft. Campbell 2023

On March 25th, 2023, Grunt Style Foundation, in partnership with YAIPak Outreach, Operation Stand Down, Blue Star Families, and Mosaic Church of Clarksville, TN, distributed 31 tons of food, along with useful household items, to active duty military families at Ft. Campbell (Clarksville, TN).

Over 650 military families were served, providing food and household items, including paper towels, toiletries, laundry soap, cleaning supplies, baby wipes and diapers, story books for the kids and Grunt Style swag for Mom & Dad. Total goods distributed were valued in excess of $500 per household, totaling approximately $325,000 of impact for our service member families.

Military families and veterans have made tremendous sacrifices for our country, and they deserve our support. Unfortunately, many of them struggle to make ends meet, especially during times of change of duty assignment/transition or hardship. That's where our Grunt Style Foundation Deployment program comes in. By providing a one-time distribution of food and household items, we hope to ease some of the burden on these families and provide relief that allows the service member to place their focus on putting rounds down range and not food on the table.

We work closely with local agencies to help identify families and veterans who are in need and ensure that our distributions reach those who need them most. Our Deployments target lower-enlisted active duty families with children, but we will not turn away any service member or veteran in need.

The impact of our program is significant. For families who are struggling to make ends meet, our Deployments can mean the difference between putting food on the table and going hungry. For veterans who are facing financial hardship or transitioning to a new duty station, or even back to civilian life, our program can provide a crucial safety net and a sense of support from their community.

But the impact of our program goes beyond just providing material goods. By reaching out to military families and veterans and offering them a tangible sign of support, we hope to build relationships and connect them with resources that can help them thrive. We also partner with local organizations to connect them with the families we serve and ensure that they have access to those services that these incredible partners offer. In this way, our program serves as a gateway to a better future for those who have given so much to our country.

We have several upcoming Grunt Style Foundation Deployments and we need your help!  A donation to the organization will help our American Warfighters stay focused and on task.  Please consider a gift of $20 or more to the Grunt Style Foundation today.  

Upcoming Grunt Style Foundation Deployments:

  • Scott AFB - Illinois - June 2023

  • Joint Base San Antonio - Texas - September 2023

  • Springfield, Missouri - Reserve Armory - November 2023


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