Kevin Hensley

HbOT Committee Co-Chair

US Air Force Veteran
National Legislative Committee Member, State of Michigan for the VFW

Kevin Hensley, currently serves on the Committee for The Gruntstyle Foundation program on Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment(HBOT).  National Legislative Committee Member, State of MIchigan for the Veterans of Foreign Wars(VFW).  Lead Advocate for BurnPits360MI, is a U.S. Air Force veteran who deployed eight times in support of combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Kevin was exposed to burn pits on nearly all of his tours overseas. Kevin grew up in Davisburg Michigan and attended Holly High School in Oakland County, where he first met his wife, Theresa.  While in high school, Kevin was an athlete, playing soccer, baseball, football, and tennis. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1995 as a Security Forces Airman, following in his family legacy of military service. He served at Moody AFB and Robins AFB in Georgia, Osan AB, South Korea, and Buckley AFB in Colorado. During his 20 years of service, his deployments to the Middle East, include; Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq(2), Oman, Kuwait, and Afghanistan. Kevin retired from the Air Force in 2015.


In 2017 after a lung biopsy performed at Vanderbilt University in Nashville TN, he was diagnosed with a terminal lung disease called Constrictive Bronchiolitis.  In 2018, Kevin sought further medical diagnoses via SPECT Scan in Littleton, Colorado, which showed Toxic Brain Injury, along with other brain abnormalities(e.g. TBI, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression). These conditions are a direct result of Combat Operations and Toxic Exposure, during many of his deployments.

Kevin directed his energy into seeking treatment for this illness and pursuing legislative advocacy for better medical care for himself and other veterans who suffer from  invisible wounds of war.  He continues to work towards improving legislation for veterans in Michigan and nationally, leading the efforts of Michigan’s veterans to Washington D.C. to speak about toxic exposure and his experience utilizing HBOT.  After completion of 80 dives provided by Northstar Nuerology/Hyperbarics in Tuscan AZ, and a grant from Healing Arizona Veterans(HAV), Kevin has been given a new lease in life because of the opportunity he was given for HBOT Therapy.  He attributes all this current success(e.g. advocacy, the passage of the PACT Act and co-authoring a book called The Promise) to HBOT and how it has helped him get back his quality of life.  


Kevin and his wife Theresa spend their time in Trenton, MI and Knoxville TN. They have dedicated themselves to Kevin’s healing and advocacy for those who are suffering from invisible wounds of war, along with family members who have lost veterans due to complications from these exposures.